electrons and existentialism


Lately I’ve been taking advantage of my Netfl1x account and renting some old seasons of Star Trek: TNG. Today I saw the episode “The Schizoid Man” (ep 32) and saw a theme also seen in a few other sci-fi’s, but notably the anime “Ghost in the Shell.” (GITS)

In this episode, the genius Dr. Ira Graves transfers his consciousness to the android Data just before dying of a terminal disease, thus continuing his existence and cheating death.

In the GITS world, there is a continuing theme (question, rather) of whether the virtual existence of a human being in a network equates to the existence of that person. To put the question another way, if technology advances to a point where I can copy the entire contents of my brain into an android, would the android be me? If I die and the android continues to operate with my knowledge and my emotions and memories, would I continue to exist?

For now I will take the easy way out and leave this question as a question. Answering the question does get a bit easier, if I buy into this theory that we are all a computer program run by some higher being.

This entry was written by the-difference , posted on Tuesday September 25 2007at 12:09 am , filed under Travel, Uncategorized, USA . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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