ring in the cheap new year

3 dollar swill

Been a while since the last update. Work just kept piling on the last two months. However, cashflow did not reflect that so holiday purchases needed to be done on the cheap. Ergo – a lot more shopping at the local Walmart.

I haven’t been able to do my regular amount of drinking lately, so I was desperate for some cheap swill. Lo and behold, I came across the stuff you see above.

The price?

3 dollar swill - seal of approval

Okay – I was a bit weary of buying something that might taste like turpentine. But what the hell, it’s the new year, right? I take my cheap date home, open ‘er up, and try ‘er out. To my surprise, it did not taste bad. In fact, there was not much taste whatsoever. Wine—-ish??? Quasi-wine??? Wyne???

I guess it could’ve been worse – like being undrinkable. Walmart stigmas aside, I can imagine always having a bottle of this stuff in the fridge so I can have a quick daily swig and not worry about breaking the bank.

This entry was written by the-difference , posted on Monday December 31 2007at 11:12 pm , filed under English, Food, GR Digital, USA . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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